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I offer Immigration law services to companies that need to hire foreigners to settle and carry out their work in Mexico and to individuals who require advice to be able to reside in the country, temporarily or permanently, or even to acquire Mexican nationality or work in the United States of America and Canada.

I develop the following activities, among others:

• Consultations and advice on immigration matters
• Employer Registration to hire foreigners
• Visas for humanitarian reasons, for job offers, for family reunification...
• Change and regularization of immigration status
• Work visas for the United States of America and Canada
• Others

Desarrollo las siguientes actividades, entre otras:
Consultas y asesorías en materia migratoria.
Constancia de Inscripción del Empleador para contratar extranjeros.
Visas por razones humanitarias, por oferta de empleo, por unidad familiar.
Cambio y regularización de condición migratoria.
Visas de trabajo para Estados Unidos de América y Canadá.

If you wish to continue browsing our services, return to the beginning of the site; We still have information that might interest you.

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