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Vision Chiapas 2032

I promote the right to development with the leaders of Chiapas, through the project: Chiapas Visión 2032, whose mission is to identify, develop and promote projects, alliances and strategic actions that contribute to the promotion of regional competitiveness, with the effective collaboration of the main authors and beneficiaries of development, based on the values ​​of the common good and solidarity.


This initiative presents an economic and social context of Chiapas, as well as updated project proposals by driving sectors and basic factors for development with the objective of supporting the competitiveness and well-being of our state.


Specifically, I work on proposals regarding Effective Government, Security and Justice and Investment Incentives.




We build our future:


Economic Development of Chiapas, A.C. (FEC)

Joshua Than Cancino – Lawyer

Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic; S.P., Chiapas (COPARMEX)

National Chamber of Industry and Transformation (CANACINTRA), Tuxtla Gutiérrez

Hotels and Motels of Center Chiapas, A.C.

Mexican Association of Business Manager Women , A.C., Tuxtla Gutiérrez (AMMJE)

Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry, Chiapas (CMIC)

Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH)

University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas

Coordinating Council of Entrepreneur Women , Chiapas Chapter (cCME)

Mexican Association of Business Women, A.C., Tuxtla Chapter (AMEXME)

National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry; Chiapas (CANIRAC)

Chiapas Business Center; SP

National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism, Tuxtla Gutiérrez (CANACO)


Consult the Chiapas Vision 2032 Project.

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