Founding Partner
Graduate in Law and Finance from Tec de Monterrey campus Monterrey, current president of the Mexican Bar Association in Chiapas, founding partner in the law firm Joshua Than Cancino I Defensa Legal y Corporativa and legal representative of national and transnational firms. I specialize in Soft-Landing Business - Cross Border Investment, corporate law, migratory law, commercial law, amparo proceedings (protection trials) and foreign investment. I speak Spanish, English and French.

We specialize in personalized legal solutions, providing services under the principles of confidentiality, prevention and peaceful conflict resolution.
We have experience in managing crisis situations, defending the interests of our clients and eliminating their risk exposure through a strict legal basis.
Our legal team has extensive professional experience and academic studies in the most prestigious institutions in Mexico, the United States and Europe.
We provide our services in Mexico:
Strategical offices in the northern and southern border of Mexico
Lawyers network all around the country
Our clients:
National and international enterprises from Europe, the United Stated, Canada, Central America and Asia.

We have coverage throughout Mexico,:
1. Offices located strategically in Mexico
2.- Network of lawyers through the country

The prestige of our firm is supported by the experience, tenacity and preparation of our team of lawyers, who prove the development of their legal skills in Mexico, the United States and Europe.

Our legal professionals have outstanding international academic training, successful professional careers and extensive experience in defending and advising the most important private companies and public institutions in Mexico.
I am committed and actively support providing free legal assistance (PRO-BONO) to non-profit civil organizations and people in a state of vulnerability who lack sufficient economic resources to be legally assisted with quality services that allow them to safeguard their rights. Thus, I dedicate part of my time to attend to these cases with the greatest of commitment.

Our clients are local and international companies, operating in Europe, Asia, The United States, Canada and Central America
Contact us!
Blvd. Belisario Domínguez #1081 Fracc. Los Laureles, Plaza Santander Select, Planta alta, L1, C.P. 29020, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
+52 (961) 332 0359
Attention schedule
Lun - Vie
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Estoy afiliado a:
Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados, A.C.
número de barrista 7432
Trust the law!
Law is the best instrument for human coexistence; in justice, as the normal destiny of law; in peace, as a kind substitute for justice.
Without freedom there is no right, no justice, no peace.