Graduate in Law and Finance from Tec de Monterrey campus Monterrey, current president of the Mexican Bar Association in Chiapas, founding partner in the law firm Joshua Than Cancino I Defensa Legal y Corporativa and legal representative of national and transnational firms. I specialize in Soft-Landing Business - Cross Border Investment, corporate law, migratory law, commercial law, amparo proceedings (protection trials) and foreign investment. I speak Spanish, English and French.
More about me
I have followed multiple courses: Negotiating strategies and skills by the University of Chicago, Moral fundaments of Politics by Yale, Market concepts by Bloomberg Institute of New York, French civilization by Sorbone University in Paris, human rights, citizen security and small and medium business creation.
Co-author of the book “Chiapas: ten years after the constitutional reform in human rights” published in 2021 and member of the Youth Attention Committee of Tuxtla Gutiérrez since 2021, from which I obtained the Entrepreneurship Youth Award in 2020. I am currently authorized by the Consulate General of France in Mexico as a French-speaking lawyer.
I have acted as:
vice-president of legal in the Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Tuxtla Gutiérrez city (2018 – 2021)
Legislative adviser of the Honorable Congress of the State of Chiapas (2018-2021)
Electoral Counselor of district 09 of Chiapas in Tuxtla Gutiérrez of the National Electoral Institute (since 2018)
Visitor of the State Human Rights Commission of the state of Chiapas (2020)
Union legal affairs secretary
Responsible in strategic investment projects in the south-east of Mexico.
I was part of the legal team of the Permanent Mexican Mission before the World Trade Organization in Ginebra, Switzerland, withing The General Council, the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Council), The Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) and Dispute Settlement Body (SDB).
My first experience in law practice was during my internship in the corporate, foreign investment and international trade areas in Baker & McKenzie S.C. in Monterrey, Mexico.
In the law firm Joshua Than Cancino | Legal & Corporate defense we specialize in personalized legal solutions providing services under the principles of confidentiality, prevention, and pacific solution of conflicts, as well as crisis management, the defense of the interests of the clients and removal of the exposure to risk through legal basis.
Our legal team has extensive professional experience and academic studies in the most prestigious institutions in Mexico, the United States and Europe.